"QTip" Timber Sale (WADNR)

The Qtip timber sale is planned for 2032 and woulds log the oldest stand of trees in the Eock Creek watershed which drains into the Chehalis river near Oakville. This forest originated in 1886 and contains trees over 5 feet in diameter. Another sale called "Quintessential" is located just to the north of Qtip and would log another section of this same forest in 2027.

House Cone (Central Walbran) RD GL12M

RD GL12M is a 5km logging road approved to be blasted into an intact slope of the “House Cone“ mountain in the Central Walbran. This area is not protected by provincial deferrals. There are about half a dozen plan cut blocks along this road, these are images from two of them near the base.

Looper Creek Headwaters & Block #774415

The Looper Creek headwaters contains some of the last pristine old growth forest on Southern Vancouver Island and is critical habitat for the endangered Marbled Murrelet seabird. Western Forest Products holds logging approvals across the area and has been actively logging for the past several years.

Beyond The 2000 Road (another planned cut block at Fairy Creek)

Teal Jones has plans for three cut blocks on the southwestern flank of the Fairy Creek Rainforest, just across the ridge from Fairy Creek. This intact slope contains extremely impressive yellow and red cedar forest with trees up to 9 feet thick growing at high elevations. This area is identified as a deferral candidate and as Marbled Murrelet Habitat, however, it remains unprotected. Teal Jones hasn't applied to log this area yet however when they do they are sure to face substantial opposition. These are images of the biggest of those three blocks.

Anderson Adjusted Timber Sale (WA DNR)

The Anderson Adjusted Timber Sale is located in Eastern Jefferson County and contains a massively diverse Legacy Forest with towering Red Cedar, Grand Fir and Douglas Fir. Units 1 and 2 of this timber sale contain a critically imperiled (G1/S1) plant community, this plant community. An association between Red Cedar, Grand Fir and Sword Fern is one of the rarest forest types in the Pacific Northwest the DNR is legally required to protect critically imperiled plant communities such as this one.

It remains to be seen whether the DNR will protect this plant community or not, but for now, they are planning on auctioning this area in fiscal year 2025.

Learn more at wlfdc.org

Anderson Adjusted U1 & U2

Anderson Adjusted U4

Last Crocker Timber Sale (WA DNR)

The Last Crocker Timber Sale in Eastern Jefferson County is a Legacy Forests up for logging on Washington State Department of Natural Resource Trust Lands. The forest re-generated from logging in the early 1900s and is now around 100 years old. It, and all other legacy forests like it deserve protection.

The Jefferson County Commissioners have supported the protection of Legacy Forests yet the DNR intends to move forward with his sale in October 2023.

Last Crocker U2

Last Crocker U1

Jigsaw Timber Sale (WA DNR)

The Jigsaw Timber Sale is located in the Willapa Bay watershed and will clear cut an area that contains dozens of remnant old growth trees. This region contains almost no old growth and this sale would fragment an already fragmented stand of old growth that was selectively logged in the 1950s. While the biggest cedar trees will be left standing, either in riparian buffers or as individual leave trees, dozens of old growth Hemlock are set to be cut down, and this ecosystem that has begun to knit itself back together will once again be fragmented. The rest of the timber sale consists of plantation hemlock, which are reminiscent of the landscape across this region.

Jigsaw U3

Jigsaw U1

Chai Timber Sale (WA DNR)

The Chai Timber Sale located in Thurston County targets one of Capitol State Forest's best remaining legacy forests in Unit 3 of the sale. This forest is essentially emergent old growth, it contains second growth Douglas Fir trees up to 75 inches in diameter, as well as Red Cedar trees up to 58 inches in diameter and Grand Fir trees up to 56 inches in diameter. A particular note in this forest is the abundance of Grand Fir, this tree species is not very commercially viable and is absent from most of Western Washington. This forest is truly one of Thurston Counties best, it is scheduled to be auctioned in November 2024.

Lauren more at wlfdc.org

Marshmallow Timber Sale (WA DNR)

The Marshmallow Timber Sale in Thurston County contains a small amount of legacy forest, which is set to be auctiond at the end of 2023.

Learn more at wlfdc.org

“Mm Mm Good” Timber Sale (WA DNR)

The Mm Mm Good Sale is scheduled for 2023, this forest is part of one of the largest complexes of natural ecosystem in southern Washington, it's located in Grays Harbor County, and is part of the Willapa Bay Watershed.

Learn more at wlfdc.org

Mm Mm Good Unit 1

Mm Mm Good Unit 2

Aerials of U1 and the “About Time” Clear-Cut

Tweedy Timber Sale (WA DNR)

The Tweedy Timber Sale is scheduled for 2025, this forest is part of one of the largest complexes of natural ecosystem in southern Washington, it's located in Grays Harbor County, and is part of the Willapa Bay Watershed.

Learn more at wlfdc.org

Tweedy Unit 1

Matador Timber Sale (WA DNR)

The Matador Timber Sale in Thurston County is a Legacy Forest up for logging on Washington State Department of Natural Resource Trust Lands. The forest re-generated from logging in the early 1900s and is now around 100 years old. It, and all other legacy forests like it deserve protection, to get involved visit wlfdc.org

This sale is scheduled for auction in 2025.

Matador U4

Chinwag Timber Sale (WA DNR)

The Chinwag Timber Sale in King County is a legacy forest on the Raging River in Tiger Mountain State Forests. It is scheduled to be logged in 2026 and has trees up to 96 inches thick - truly one of the best legacy forests I’ve seen!

More pics are coming soon

Bears Timber Sale (WA DNR)

The Bears Timber Sale is scheduled for 2026, this forest is in Thurston County and contains over 7 acres of old growth. The county commissioners have asked the department of natural resources to stop auctioning off legacy forests.

Learn more at wlfdc.org

Bear Unit 2

Bears Unit 1


South Paw Timber Sale (WA DNR)

The "South Paw" timber sale is located in on Tiger Mountain in King County. The forest re-generated from logging in the early 1900s and is now around 100 years old. It, and all other legacy forests like it deserve protection. It has been canceled

To learn more visit wlcfd.org

Unit 3

"Final" Timber Sale (WA DNR)

The "final" timber sale is planned for 2024–2025, it is located in the Grays River headwaters in Pacific County in an area heavily used by the threatened Marbled Murrelet seabird.

To learn more visit wlcfd.org

Parkinson Creek Timber Sale (BCTS)

BC Timber Sales intends to auction off five tracks of old growth forest in the end of 2023 in the Parkinson Creek area just south of Port Renfrew. These are images from two of those cut blocks.

Mt. Bolduc (planned cut block)

Mount Buldoc is one of the largest tracks of old growth forest remaining on Southern Vancouver Island, it contains a massive amount of old-growth yellow cedar. This area is currently being developed as a cut block by BC timber sales in partnership with the Pacheedaht Band Council, however nothing is approved yet.

Lower Fairy Creek (planned cut block)

These are images of a cut block that Teal Jones has planned in the lower reaches of the Fairy Creek watershed. Because of the Fairy Creek blockade and over 1188 people who got arrested logging in this area is currently deferred until 2025.

Granite Creek #9337 - June 2023

Granite Creek cut block #9337 is an old growth cut block in the Granite Creek watershed up 5 Mile Main near the Fairy Creek HQ. Teal Jones has constructed logging roads into this cut block in 2022 and is primed to log it in 2023.

Along with Images of the road building into cut block #9337 are images of Heli Camp taken in June 2020