BCTS (BC Timber Sales)

Bavis Creek - TA2406

Bavis Creek enters the San Juan river from the south and contains the only large section of high productivity old-growth south of the San Juan river and North of the San Juan Ridge, it extends from the top of the ridge down a steep slope towards the San Juan river, just miles away from the biggest Douglas fir tree on earth. Timber Sale license TA2406 would clear cut the heart of this forest if BC Timber Sales chooses to move it to auction.

Parkinson Creek Timber Sale (BCTS)

BC Timber Sales intends to auction off five tracks of old growth forest in the end of 2023 in the Parkinson Creek area just south of Port Renfrew. These are images from two of those cut blocks.

Mt. Bolduc (planned cut block)

Mount Buldoc is one of the largest tracks of old growth forest remaining on Southern Vancouver Island, it contains a massive amount of old-growth yellow cedar. This area is currently being developed as a cut block by BC timber sales in partnership with the Pacheedaht Band Council, however nothing is approved yet.

Dakota Creek (Cape Scott) #HBFM601

BCTS (BC Timber Sales) is planning on auctioning off a 42 HA old growth cut block immediately adjacent to Cape Scott Provincial Park in the Dakota Creek Watershed this year.

This would only be the SECOND cut block ever to be logged in the intact Dakota Creek Watershed.