BC - 2023

House Cone (Central Walbran) RD GL12M

RD GL12M is a 5km logging road approved to be blasted into an intact slope of the “House Cone“ mountain in the Central Walbran. This area is not protected by provincial deferrals. There are about half a dozen plan cut blocks along this road, these are images from two of them near the base.

Looper Creek Headwaters & Block #774415

The Looper Creek headwaters contains some of the last pristine old growth forest on Southern Vancouver Island and is critical habitat for the endangered Marbled Murrelet seabird. Western Forest Products holds logging approvals across the area and has been actively logging for the past several years.

Beyond The 2000 Road (another planned cut block at Fairy Creek)

Teal Jones has plans for three cut blocks on the southwestern flank of the Fairy Creek Rainforest, just across the ridge from Fairy Creek. This intact slope contains extremely impressive yellow and red cedar forest with trees up to 9 feet thick growing at high elevations. This area is identified as a deferral candidate and as Marbled Murrelet Habitat, however, it remains unprotected. Teal Jones hasn't applied to log this area yet however when they do they are sure to face substantial opposition. These are images of the biggest of those three blocks.

Parkinson Creek Timber Sale (BCTS)

BC Timber Sales intends to auction off five tracks of old growth forest in the end of 2023 in the Parkinson Creek area just south of Port Renfrew. These are images from two of those cut blocks.

Mt. Bolduc (planned cut block)

Mount Buldoc is one of the largest tracks of old growth forest remaining on Southern Vancouver Island, it contains a massive amount of old-growth yellow cedar. This area is currently being developed as a cut block by BC timber sales in partnership with the Pacheedaht Band Council, however nothing is approved yet.

Lower Fairy Creek (planned cut block)

These are images of a cut block that Teal Jones has planned in the lower reaches of the Fairy Creek watershed. Because of the Fairy Creek blockade and over 1188 people who got arrested logging in this area is currently deferred until 2025.

Granite Creek #9337 - June 2023

Granite Creek cut block #9337 is an old growth cut block in the Granite Creek watershed up 5 Mile Main near the Fairy Creek HQ. Teal Jones has constructed logging roads into this cut block in 2022 and is primed to log it in 2023.

Along with Images of the road building into cut block #9337 are images of Heli Camp taken in June 2020

Bugaboo Creek #4733 - June 2023

As of June 2023 Bugaboo Creek cut block 4733 has still not been submitted to the provincial government for approval, however, Teal Jones has constructed roads into this forest and it's primed to begin cutting as soon as they gain approval. Bugaboo Creek 4333 has some of the highest densities of old growth yellow and red cedar in TFL 46 and is one of the most important sections of forest for the endangered Marbled Murrelet seabird left on Southern Vancouver Island. Cut block 4733 also contains one of the only populations of Oldgrowth Specklebelly Lichen on Southern Vancouver Island.

This forest remains a top priority for protection and has been proposed as wildlife habitat area by independent scientists.

Edinburgh Mountain #7165 & #7163 Mid-Logging

In late 2022 the Teal Jones group again logging on upper Edinburgh mountain in cut blocks 7165 & 7163, these forests known as the Truck Road 11 cut blocks contain old-growth red cedar and on is in the watershed of Eden Creek, endangered birds have been documented in the area including the western screech owl.

These forest will be gone by the end of summer 2023

San Juan Ridge (Gain Creek) RD JR850

These are images of a planned cut block in Gain Creek (part of the Loss Creek potter shed), which is south of Port Renfrew along the San Juan ridge, this area is controlled by the Pacheedaht band council that has undertaken insanely extensive logging in this area.

Road building has already been approved into this forest, and a cut block has been laid out. When this forest is logged there will be no setbacks from the stream that flows through this forest. While I was there I observed "Cutting boundary" flagging tape within a meter of the creek.

Carnation Creek

Carnation Creek is a large section of valley bottom old growth just south of the Alberni Sound on Huu-at-aht Territory, this section of forest has been overlooked by the timber industry for the past several decades but remains unprotected as Western Forest Products continues to log the neighboring Klanawa Valley.

This is one of southern Vancouver island’s best old growth cedar forests, it has been left undisturbed for time in memorial yet as I walked into the forest I heard chainsaws on the neighboring ridge…

Dakota Creek (Cape Scott) #HBFM601

BCTS (BC Timber Sales) is planning on auctioning off a 42 HA old growth cut block immediately adjacent to Cape Scott Provincial Park in the Dakota Creek Watershed this year.

This would only be the SECOND cut block ever to be logged in the intact Dakota Creek Watershed. 

Darling River RD MI950A-1

The BC NDP has approved road building into an old growth cedar forest on the Darling River south of Bamfield, this cut block contains literally hundreds of western red cedar trees growing over 2.5 m in diameter.

This truly is one of the most spectacular sections of Old Growth Forest on Southern Vancouver Island and before the end of 2023 it is likely to be gone.

Beyond The 2000 Road (Planned Teal Jones Cut Blocks At Fairy Creek)

Teal Jones has plans for three cut blocks on the southwestern flank of the Fairy Creek Rainforest, just across the ridge from Fairy Creek. This intact slope contains extremely impressive yellow and red cedar forest with trees up to 9 feet thick growing at high elevations. This area is identified as a deferral candidate and as Marbled Murrelet Habitat, however, it remains unprotected. Teal Jones hasn't applied to log this area yet however when they do they are sure to face substantial opposition.

Grant Bay RD W152 & W480

Western Forest Products has applied to build a sprawling road network into a last fringe of old growth forest along the pacific ocean near the outlet of Quintino Sounds and north of Grants Bay. This forest contains old group red cedar with remarkable canopies and is near some of the most productive old growth forest on Northern Vancouver Island.

As of the end of February 2023 this road building has not been approved.

The 2000 Road #7275 & #7276

The 2000 Road lies just across the ridge from Fairy Creek on the southwestern flank of the old growth rainforest. The area was clear-cut in 2019 and then again in 2021 after dozens of people were arrested trying to stop the logging. The area is incredibly steep and landslides are common on the road. 

Teal Jones has decommissioned the road for now however there are 3 cut blocks planned on the next slope over.  

Kwatleo Creek

Kwatleo Creek on Northern Vancouver Island contains some of the most spectacular cedar forests remaining in British Columbia. The groves here are truly the best of the best of BC’s endangered old growth forest. This area is part of TFL 6 and is unprotected. This area has seen over 80 years of industrial logging, and it is truly remarkable that any of these grandest cedar groves remain intact. You can easily explore this area by following the road past Winter Harbor; these trees are immediately visible from the road a few kilometers before it dead ends at Grant Bay. This old growth forest stretches for over 100 ha. 

Weather conditions did not allow for a thorough exploration of this grove however in the short time we were there, and within minutes of entering the forest we found two cedar trees measuring 3.6 and 3.5 m in diameter. 

There are no logging approvals in this forest, however that could change any day. I will certainly be monitoring this area.