Tree Farm License 61

Gain Creek #LCN37 & Logging

Gain Creek on Pacheedaht Territory is home to some of the worst government approved clear-cut logging on Vancouver Island. The old growth forests of Gain creek are being targeted for ~corporate gain~ by Pacheedaht Andersen Timber Holdings. This watershed is unseeded territory and public land, part of TFL 61 near the Jordan River. For the past several years logging has pushed up into the Gain Creek watershed which flows off of the San Juan Ridge. The company has clear cut through the creek in multiple places and newly approved cut blocks would clear cut through waterfalls to target some of the last old-growth forests of the area.

San Juan Ridge (Gain Creek) RD JR850

These are images of a planned cut block in Gain Creek (part of the Loss Creek potter shed), which is south of Port Renfrew along the San Juan ridge, this area is controlled by the Pacheedaht band council that has undertaken insanely extensive logging in this area.

Road building has already been approved into this forest, and a cut block has been laid out. When this forest is logged there will be no setbacks from the stream that flows through this forest. While I was there I observed "Cutting boundary" flagging tape within a meter of the creek.

Loss Creek #449H

These are images of the aptly named Loss Creek Cut block number #449H. I first visited this forest in the summer of 2021 and found it dense with old growth red cedar, my return trip in June 2022 found a perfect example of what the BC NDP calls “sustainable forestry.” This area was a deferral candidate under the old growth strategic review however it never received protection. There’s a reason for that. TFL 61, in which loss Creek is located is managed by The Questo Company, which is run by Jeff Jones and the Pacheedaht band council, the same people responsible for rejecting the (very limited and inadequate) deferrals offered by the BCNDP. 

Before Logging