BC - 2024

Bavis Creek - TA2406

Bavis Creek enters the San Juan river from the south and contains the only large section of high productivity old-growth south of the San Juan river and North of the San Juan Ridge, it extends from the top of the ridge down a steep slope towards the San Juan river, just miles away from the biggest Douglas fir tree on earth. Timber Sale license TA2406 would clear cut the heart of this forest if BC Timber Sales chooses to move it to auction.

Gain Creek #LCN37 & Logging

Gain Creek on Pacheedaht Territory is home to some of the worst government approved clear-cut logging on Vancouver Island. The old growth forests of Gain creek are being targeted for ~corporate gain~ by Pacheedaht Andersen Timber Holdings. This watershed is unseeded territory and public land, part of TFL 61 near the Jordan River. For the past several years logging has pushed up into the Gain Creek watershed which flows off of the San Juan Ridge. The company has clear cut through the creek in multiple places and newly approved cut blocks would clear cut through waterfalls to target some of the last old-growth forests of the area.

Gordon 4000 #LP06

Cut Block #LP06 is located in the tenure of the Qala:yit partnership, which supplies logs to the Pacheedaht Mill Port Renfrew. This cut block contains massive yellow cedar trees that are likely over 1000 years old, it is also home to a population of Oldgrowth Specklebelly Lichen. As of March 2024 logging contractors have constructed a road into the forest and clearcutting seems eminent.