Privately Owned Forest

Cleveland Peninsula - Sealaska Logging

These are images of the Cleveland Peninsula which was logged by the Sealaska Native Corporation in the 2010s. This clear-cut stretches for over 5000 acres, through valleys and over mountains. The State of Alaska has some of the worst environmental standards on earth and land privatization is now the biggest threat to the Tongass Rainforest. I captured these images while filming for Eden's Last Chance in summer 2019.

McGinnis Creek (CA) - FOR SALE

McGinnis Creek in the Mattole watershed of northern California contains over 150 acres of old growth Douglas Fir forest that are currently for sale by the owner. The properties, consisting of a total of 492 acres contain a substantial amount of old growth forest and have been/are listed for a total of $935,000, with one of the properties, containing 80 acres of old growth listed for only $280,000. 

If you have the money to buy these properties or know someone who does please contact me immediately.


Cranberry Mountain (WA) - Weyerhaeuser

These are images of the Cranberry Mountain legacy forest complex on private land. There are around 2000 acres of legacy forests on Cranberry Mountain in Lewis county Washington. These forests survived the initial wave of clear-cut logging of this area in the 80s and 90s due to a fire that destroyed much of the ecosystem in the 1890s. These forests which grow at the summit of cranberry mountain are now 130 years old and have never seen industrial logging. Weyerhaeuser, which owns millions of acres in Washington State has been steadily logging this complex of old growth legacy forests despite their commitment not to log old growth. By 2030 all of these forests will be gone.

BTG Pactual a Brazilian investment group also owns a substantial amount of these 130-year-old legacy forests just east of Cranberry Mountain in the Deschutes River watershed which flows into Capital Lake. It is unclear whether or not BTG Pactual will actually log these areas. However, they have already sold some of them to another smaller logging company which has clear-cut around 200 acres of these legacy forests. Cougar Mountain Grove was part of this Legacy Forest complex sold by BTG Pactual.