The "Auger In" timber sale is located in the headwaters of the Chehalis River and is scheduled for auction in March 2025. Unit 2 of this timber sale contains hundreds of old growth hemlock trees and is for all intents and purposes an old growth forest, in a region that has almost none. This sale is likely Marbled Murrelet habitat. DNR is required to do an old growth assessment of this forest before auctioning it, and if we are lucky unit two will be dropped from the timber sale. That being said, this timber sale is located in the Pacific Cascade region of the DNR which regularly logs small sections of old growth and may log a big section like this one given that it was selectively logged in the past.
Auger In Timber Sale (WA DNR)
The "Auger In" timber sale is located in the headwaters of the Chehalis River and is scheduled for auction in March 2025. Unit 2 of this timber sale contains hundreds of old growth hemlock trees and is for all intents and purposes an old growth forest, in a region that has almost none. This sale is likely Marbled Murrelet habitat. DNR is required to do an old growth assessment of this forest before auctioning it, and if we are lucky unit two will be dropped from the timber sale. That being said, this timber sale is located in the Pacific Cascade region of the DNR which regularly logs small sections of old growth and may log a big section like this one given that it was selectively logged in the past.